Friday, October 3, 2008

It's almost Halloween

And because it's that time, here's my list of my top 10 favorite horror movies of all time. There is no method to my madness outside of the fact that it is madness. So enjoy it, or don't, comment and tell me your own favs. Really, I don't care.

1. A Nightmare on Elm Street - Saw it as a young kid, scared the crap out of me then, still does now.

2. Halloween (the original!) - I think this is a masterpiece that even Hitchcock would have been proud of.

3. Psycho - Classic still stands up.

4. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original) - This movie is just so gruesome, and if you take in to consideration the year it came out - Ouch!

5. Scream - I know I know, it doesn't look like it belongs up here, but remember this is my list, and this movie scared the shit out of me as a teenager!!

6. Aliens - Another movie I saw waaaaay too young, that has stuck to me and my NIGHTMARES!

7. The Exorcist - This movie was a lot higher before I saw the re-release in the theater. Everyone was laughing and it just showed me that the movie hasn't held up as well as I had originally thought.

8. Friday the 13th - I think this movie is under appreciated. I watched it recently and saw a lot of traditional classic horror elements.

9. Saw - This one made my list because it was so fresh, and I hadn't really seen anything like it. It was disturbing, and has a lot of thriller elements to it that kept me squirming on the edge of my seat.

10. Silence of the Lambs - This movie, as a movie, is ranked way higher for me, but as a horror film it didn't top the ones above it. I think where it does excel though, is that it was so psychological and well done from an acting stand point, that I think people will still be talking about it years from now.

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